Option Strategies

Options and Futures

Zhiyu Fu

Financial Engineering

  • The Goal of financial engineering: Create financial instruments to meet various investment goals

  • The building ground: Uncertain stock price \(S_T\) representing the different realizations of the “state” of the world

  • The building blocks:

    Stock Bond Call Option Put Option
    Price \(S_0\) \(e^{-rT}\) \(C_0\) \(P_0\)
    Payoff at \(T\) \(S_T\) \(e^{rT}\) \(\max\{\) \(S_T\) \(- K, 0\}\) \(\max\{K -\) \(S_T\) \(, 0\}\)
    Profit at \(T\) \(S_T\) \(-S_0 e^{rT}\) \(0\) \(\max\{\) \(S_T\) \(- K, 0\} -C_0 e^{rT}\) \(\max\{K -\) \(S_T\) \(, 0\} -P_0 e^{rT}\)
  • The role for engineers:

    • Use the building blocks to create different payoffs;
    • Price the new product based on the building blocks;

Note on Profit

  • We define profit as the payoff minus the opportunity cost of money, e.g., \[S_T - S_0 e^{rT},\] with proper time discounting.
    • In other words, the profit is defined as the excess return over the risk-free rate.
  • Some references define the profit as the payoff minus the original cost, e.g., \[S_T - S_0,\] without taking into account the time value of money. This profit includes the risk-free return.
    • Economically less meaningful: positive profit can still mean losing money relative to the risk-free benchmark.
    • Especially problematic when there are multiple periods involved.
  • When \(r\) is \(0\), these two definitions are equivalent; when not specified, feel free to use \(r = 0\) when asked to compute the profit.

Road Map

  • Replicating positions using building blocks
  • Create payoff structures
    • Hedge strategies: Covered Call, Protected Put
    • Combinations: Straddle, Strangle
    • Spreads: Bull Spread, Bear Spread, Butterfly Spread
  • Your goal:
    • No need to memorize;
    • Given a payoff diagram, understand the purpose of the strategy;
    • Given a payoff diagram, build it from the building blocks and price it;

Long Position in the Stock

  • We can create this position \(K\) by:
    1. Buy a stock at \(S_0\) and borrow \(K e^{-rT}\)

      • Payoff at \(T\): \(S_T - K\)
    2. Buy a call and short a put at the strike price \(K\)

      \(+\)Call \(-\)Put Total
      \(S_T < K\) \(0\) \(K - S_T\) \(S_T- K\)
      \(S_T \ge K\) \(S_T - K\) \(0\) \(S_T - K\)
    3. Buy a forward contract with the delivery price \(K\)

      • Payoff at \(T\): \(S_T - K\)
  • Identical payoffs, identical prices
    • \(S_0 - K e^{-rT} = C_0 - P_0\)
  • A standard future contract choose \(K = F\) such that \(S_0 - F e^{-rT} = 0\) \(\implies F = S_0 e^{rT}\)

Short Position in the Stock

  • We can create this position \(K\) by:
    1. Short-sell a stock at \(S_0\) and lend \(K e^{-rT}\)

      • Payoff at \(T\): \(K-S_T\)
    2. Short a call and buy a put at the strike price \(K\)

      \(-\)Call \(+\)Put Total
      \(S_T < K\) \(0\) \(K - S_T\) \(K-S_T\)
      \(S_T \ge K\) \(-(S_T - K)\) \(0\) \(K-S_T\)
    3. Short a forward contract with the delivery price \(K\)

Synthetic Call

  • Use Put-Call Parity: \[C = P + S_0 - K e^{-rT}\] we can recreate a call by long stock, short bond, and long put

  • Check the payoff:

    Stock Bond Put Total
    \(S_T < K\) \(S_T\) \(-K\) \(K - S_T\) \(0\)
    \(S_T \ge K\) \(S_T\) \(-K\) \(0\) \(S_T - K\)
  • Exercise: Create a synthetic put

Covered Call

Covered Call: Sell the call and hedge it with the stock

  • Stock traded at $50;
  • A call option with \(K\) $60 and maturity 3 months sells for $3.45.
  • The cost of the covered call is \(50 - 3.45 = 46.55\).
  • The payoff and profit for different stock prices at maturity is:
Stock Price \(40\) \(60\) \(80\)
Long Stock \(40\) \(60\) \(80\)
Short Call \(0\) \(0\) \(-20\)
Payoff \(40\) \(60\) \(60\)
Profit \(-6.55\) \(13.45\) \(13.45\)

Covered Call (II)

  • Payoff structure:
    • If \(S_T \le K\): like a stock;
    • If \(S_T > K\): capped at \(K\)

Just like a put. In fact \[S_0 - C = K e^{-rT} - P\] It can be replicated by a put and a bond.

  • Why sell covered call?
    • Earn a premium from selling the call
    • Limit the potential loss
  • Alternatively, sell a put and save in risk-free bonds

Break-even Point

  • Break-even means the profit (net of interest) is zero

\[ \text{Profit} = \underset{\text{Payoff}}{\underbrace{\min\{S_T, K\}}} - \underset{\text{Cost}}{\underbrace{(S_0 - C_0) e^{rT}}} = 0 \]

  • Statement: The break-even point is between \(0\) and \(K\) \[0 < (S_0 - C_0) e^{rT} < K\]
  • Why?
    • Use the upper/lower bounds on a call options;
    • Or, use the put-call parity

The General Statement on the Break-even Point

Implication of No-Arbitrage Conditions

Suppose a portfolio have the price \(X\) and the payoff \(Y_T\) that is a random variable that have an upper bound \(\bar Y\) and a lower bound \(\underline Y\). Given the risk-free rate \(e^{rT}\), then we must have:

\[ \underline Y < X e^{rT} < \bar Y \]

  • Reasoning:
    • Recall the no-arbitrage condition requries that if one portfolio offers a higher payoff under any circumstance than the other, then it must be more expensive than the other portfolio.
    • Corollary: A zero-cost portfolio cannot have a payoff that is strictly positive or negative.
  • Apply to this scenario:
    • Suppose \(X e^{rT} < \underline Y\), then we borrow \(X\) to buy the portfolio (zero cost), and have strictly positive payoffs after paying back the loan.
    • Suppose \(X e^{rT} > \bar Y\), then I can short-sell the portfolio and lend out money to gurantee to buy it back with extra savings;

Protective Put

cover a stock position with a put

  • Example: A stock traded at $50. A put option with strike $40 and maturity 3 months sells for $1.28.
  • Payoff structure:
Stock Price \(30\) \(50\) \(70\)
Stock Payoff \(30\) \(50\) \(70\)
Stock profit \(-20\) \(0\) \(20\)
Payoff w/ Put \(40\) \(50\) \(70\)
Total Profit \(-11.28\) \(-1.28\) \(18.72\)
  • Can also be replicated by a call option and a bond


Straddle: Long call + Long put at the same \(K\)

  • Why: bet on volatility
    • Consider a stock with expected price to be \(K\).
    • If the stock does not move, no payoff from the straddle;
    • With volatility in either direction, the straddle will have a payoff.


  • Strangle: Long call + long put at different \(K\)
  • Why: bet on a even larger volatilty
    • Consider a stock with expected price to be \(K\).
    • If the stock moves withina range, no payoff from the straddle;
    • With a large volatility in either direction, the straddle will have a payoff.


Bull Spreads

  • An option spread is an option strategy in which the payoff is limited;
  • Bull spread: Long call with a low \(K_l\) + short call with a high \(K_h\)
  • Payoffs:
    • Maximum: \(K_h - K_l\)
    • Minimum: \(0\)
    • Bullish between \(K_l\) and \(K_h\)
  • Why using bull spread?
    • Limit both the upside and the downside

Bull Spreads (II)

  • The cost between the bounds of payoffs: \[0 < (C_l - C_h) < (K_h - K_l) e^{-rT}\]
  • \(C_l > C_h\): the lower the strike, the more likely to be exercised, and the higher is the payoff;
  • \((C_l - C_h) < (K_h - K_l) e^{-rT}\): The maximum benefit from a lower strike price is the difference in payoffs, assuming the the lower strike can always be exercised;

Bear Spread

  • Bear spread: Long put with a high \(K_h\) + short put with a low \(K_l\)
  • Why using bear spread?
    • Limit both the upside and the downside
  • Cost between the bounds of payoffs: \[0 < (P_h - P_l) < (K_h - K_l) e^{-rT}\]
    • \(P_h > P_l\): the higher the strike, the more likely to be exercised, and the higher is the payoff;
    • \((P_h - P_l) < (K_h - K_l) e^{-rT}\): The maximum benefit from a higher strike price is the difference in payoffs;

Butterfly Spread

  • Butterfly spread: Long call with a low \(K_l\) + Long call with a high \(K_h\), and short two calls with a middle strike \(K_m\equiv \frac{K_l + K_h}{2}\)
  • Payoffs: Maximum profit at \(K_m\) is \(\frac{K_h - K_l}{2}\)
  • Why using butterfly spread?
    • Betting on the price to be close to \(K_m\)
  • Cost: \(0 < (C_l - 2C_m + C_h) e^{rT} < (K_h - K_l)\)
  • Option price is convex in the strike price: \[ C_m < \frac{C_l + C_h}{2} \]
  • Exercise: Construct a butterfly spread using puts

A Philosophical Note on the Butterfly and the Complete Market

First Welfare Theorem

Under complete markets, complete information and perfect competition, the market allocation is Pareto optimal.

  • Complete markets: Every asset in every possible state of the world can be freely traded;
  • The role of financial market: Allow resources to be traded across time and states;
    • Debt: Trade resources across time;
    • Stocks: Trade the future risky income with current capital investment;
  • The role of financial derivatives: make the market more complete
  • Butterfly spreads: pays off only between \((K_l, K_h)\)
  • As \(K_l\) and \(K_h\) get closer, theoretically we are able to trade the resource in every possible state of the world \(S_T\)!