Options and Futures
Parameter | European Call | European Put |
current stock price S_0 | + | - |
strike price K | - | + |
volatility \sigma | + | + |
risk-free rate r | + | - |
time to maturity T | + | ? |
The time value of an option is the difference between the option price and the intrinsic value: C - \max\{S_0 - K, 0\} There are two components of the time value:
The value from the uncertainty: the stock price could move in the favorable direction
The value due to the embedded leverage in options
Two components work in the same direction for calls but opposite directions for puts!
\small \begin{aligned} C &> \max\{S_0 - K e^{-rT}, 0\} \\ \implies C &> \max\{S_0 - K, 0\} \end{aligned}
\small \begin{aligned} P &> \max\{K e^{-rT} - S_0, 0\} \\ \nRightarrow P &> \max\{K - S_0, 0\} \end{aligned}