Time Values, American Options, and Dividends

Options and Futures

Zhiyu Fu

What Affects the Option Price?

  • Use this binomial tree calculator to explore the effect of the parameters on the option price
  • Take the at-the-money call option for one year and change the following parameters and see how the option price changes:
Parameter European Call European Put
current stock price S_0 + -
strike price K - +
volatility \sigma + +
risk-free rate r + -
time to maturity T + ?

The Time Value of Non-Dividend Paying European Options

  • The time value of an option is the difference between the option price and the intrinsic value: C - \max\{S_0 - K, 0\} There are two components of the time value:

  • The value from the uncertainty: the stock price could move in the favorable direction

    • The longer the time to maturity, the more uncertainty, the more valuable are the options, both calls and puts
  • The value due to the embedded leverage in options

    • Calls: Equivalent to a dynamically hedged position of long stock and short bond
      • The longer is the period, or the higher is the risk-free rate, the less present value of the bond given the same future payoff, and hence the higher value of the embedded leverage in a call
    • Puts: Equivalent to a dynamically hedged position of short stock and long bond
      • The longer is the period, or the higher is the risk-free rate, the less present value of the bond, and the lower value of the embedded leverage in a put
  • Two components work in the same direction for calls but opposite directions for puts!

The Lower Bound of European Calls and Puts and the Time Value

  • Call options always have a positive time value:

\small \begin{aligned} C &> \max\{S_0 - K e^{-rT}, 0\} \\ \implies C &> \max\{S_0 - K, 0\} \end{aligned}

  • Put options may have a negative time value:

\small \begin{aligned} P &> \max\{K e^{-rT} - S_0, 0\} \\ \nRightarrow P &> \max\{K - S_0, 0\} \end{aligned}

American Options

  • American options can be exercised at any time before the maturity
  • To price the american options, we only need an additional step in the binomial tree
  • Step 1: Calculate the risk-neutral probability
  • Step 2: From the leaves, calculate option value without early exercises P^E_i P^E_{i} = (P^E_{iu} * q + P^E_{id} * (1-q)) e^{-rΔt} where P^E_{iu} and P^E_{id} are the option values at the up and down nodes of the node i
    • Step 2.5: The American option price is the maximum of the option price without early exercise and the exercise value (using American put option as an example) \begin{aligned} P^A_{i} &= \max\{P^E_{i}, K - S_i\} \end{aligned}
  • Step 3: Moving backward in time

Example: European Call

Example: American Call

Example: European Put

Example: American Put

Properties of American Options

  • Because American options have all the benefits of European options, they should be at least as valuable as European options
  • American calls:
    • For non-dividend paying stocks, because calls always have a positive time value, it is always not optimal to exercise early even if it is feasible
    • You should always sell the American call rather than exercise it
    • American calls effectively have the same price as European calls
  • American puts:
    • Because the time value of European puts can be negative, it can be optimal for American puts to be exercised early
  • The time value of American options is always positive
    • The longer the time to maturity, the more valuable are American options, both calls and puts

Options on Dividend Paying Stocks

  • The treatment is the same as futures with holding benefits and costs
  • When replicating the payoff of options using the stock and bond, we need to adjust the bond amount by the present value of the dividends
  • The put-call parity is adjusted by the present value of the dividends: C - P = S - PV(D) - K e^{-rT} where PV(D) is the present value of the dividends
  • With dividends, it can be optimal to exercise American options early before the dividends are paid so stock price is higher
  • Hence, American call options are more valuable than European call options on dividend-paying stocks